Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Properties and Benefits

Red Hot chilli Peppers
Its scientific name is Capsicum, belongs to the Solanaceae family and is originally from the Americas, but currently its cultivation is now widespread throughout the world.
Like many other healthy foods, the red hot chilli peppers was known since antiquity. Since the discovery of archaeological finds we know with certainty that since 5000 BC, people knew about the Mexican chilli and was dedicated to its cultivation. The chilli was imported into Europe by Columbus in his second trip, which dates back to 1493.
As we will see below its varieties are endless, now let’s analyze its composition.
Chemical Composition
One of the main components of red chilli peppers is capsaicin, an active ingredient from which depend several beneficial properties attributed to chilli, the other substances are capsicina, capsanthin, other salts and oligoalimenti natural lecithin (contained especially in the seeds), essential oil and flavonoids. Important to note the presence of red chilli vitamin C, which, among its other functions, plays an important role in defense against infection.
The Main Species of Red Hot chilli Peppers
The varieties of chilli peppers are very numerous, below we list the 4 species known and used for food:
Capsicum annuum: its cultivation is most widespread, includes red hot peppers used in Italy, the Cayenne, which ever is the most pungent variety, called the Mexican and Jalapeno peppers.
Capsicum baccatum: red hot chilli peppers of medium hot, its area of cultivation is mainly that of Bolivia and Peru.
Capsicum chinense: this includes hot pepper variety of the most piquant in the world, the Habanero, with a rounded shape and an orange red color, come from South America.
Capsicum frutescens: also this species is very spicy, the most popular variety is called Tabasco, thanks to the juice in its natural quality of hot pepper, it is produced with the note sauce that takes its name from the red chilli pepper, tabasco.
Properties and Benefits of Red Hot chilli Pepper
Not long ago, as well as for food, there is one more reason to consume it, some Japanese and American researchers have discovered that red chilli pepper may have an important role in preventing prostate cancer. From experiments on guinea pigs laboratory showed that mice receiving capsaicin (the active ingredient of pepper), developed tumor masses reduced by 80% compared to mice that do not eat.
Regular use of red chilli pepper, thanks to its antioxidant properties, seems to inhibit the development of events at the level of cancerous stomach. Of course everything is still to be confirmed by further studies and tests on humans to be able to say the above. Especially interesting to the effect of regularization of the blood circulation which carries the red hot chilli peppers in the human body combined with a beneficial effect in cases of inflammation. If administered orally, capsaicin urges increased secretion of digestive enzymes promoting precisely the digestive process.
It seems, moreover, that the chilli peppers, as well as promote blood circulation, is an effective vasodilator. It makes elastic the capillary blood. It was found that in regions where its widespread use, diseases such as heart attacks, arteriosclerosis and ‘excess cholesterol is considerably limited.
Finally it seems that the hair will benefit from the use of red hot chilli peppers. This because a better blood circulation would have positive effects on the life of the hairs bulbs. It’s important to remember that as with all food, do not abuse the risk of a convert to healthier food injurious to our health.
How to Decrease the Burning Sensation
Generally, when you eat something very spicy, it is the feeling that the mouth should be in focus and the instinct is to drink cold water. Unfortunately, the substance that causes burning, capsaicin is not soluble in water. For this reason, after drinking, the burning remains. Here are the steps you can take to alleviate the burning sensation of chilli. Dining crumb of bread, drink fresh milk, oil or spirits assume (without exaggeration) in which the substance is dissolved spicy and burning sensation are alleviated.
The cultivation of red hot chilli peppers can be done successfully in Italy and also in much of the world. As regards Italy, the South can be sown at home during the months of January / February, while the North is better to wait until March. It’s important to remember that the red hot chilli pepper is a plant that prefers the heat, so in cultivation in North Italy, we must have the foresight to keep the plants in the house during the winter months.
Germination of red chilli is done very easy to germinate a seed is enough to put it into the ground or in pots, not in the direct sun and water occasionally. The optimum temperature is around 20 degrees and land as the ideal would be a pretty fine peat, potting soil even if a standard is able to perform its function.
After germination, during the first two months, you should keep the chilli pepper plants in protected environment, near a window or a bright area. Before transplanting the seedlings to wait to be at least 10 cm, then arranging the ground at a distance of about 20 cm apart. If you can, find an area exposed to the sun and watered so plentiful every day.
The Moon for Sowing
On the choice of the moon suitable for sowing and then for a good crop of red chilli peppers debates exist since time immemorial.
If red hot chilli peppers are sown with the crescent moon, the plants will have a fast growth but will have a lower production of fruits. If planted with the moon declining plant growth is much slower and the plant assumes a more stocky and robust and abundant production of fruit is not guaranteed. It ‘necessary to make the tests and decide with your head what is the better thing.
The Unit of Measurement For the Hot
In 1912 the American chemist W. Scoville invented a method to measure the degree of spicy the chilli. The measurement of the degree of spicy is expressed in SU (Scoville Units) that indicate the degree of dilution in water to make imperceptible feeling hot .
Based on the results of the test, each chilli was attributed, by and large, a degree of spicy.
The lower it is for the chilli pepper or sweet: SU 0-150. The highest is the chilli Red Savina Habanero: 350,000 SU. For example 1 cc of Habanero after it was diluted in 300 liters of water still gives the feeling of hot.
Red hot chilli peppers:properties and benefits
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