Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition

Nutrition and health are two closely linked factors, science also says so. Proper nutrition is associated with better health, stronger immune systems and a lower risk of non-communicable diseases.

On the other hand, even the ancients said we are what we eat and most likely they were right.

Health and nutrition
Nutrition and health

Research suggests that people with adequate nutrition are more productive and live longer. Non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and obesity are among the leading causes of death and disability worldwide.

For example, what we eat contributes to the risk of developing hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and inflammation. Such conditions increase the risk of diseases associated with mortality, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. (1)

From this we understand how health and nutrition are closely linked.

In recent years we are seeing an increase in chronic non-communicable diseases. These have a causal link with global dietary patterns that are becoming increasingly Westernised. Such patterns are characterized by high levels of fatty and processed meats, saturated fats, refined grains, salt and sugars but lacking in fresh foods, fruits and vegetables. (2)

Food and Health – Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is one in which nutrients are consumed in the right doses to meet the body’s energy needs. It is important to avoid overeating, you should stop eating before you feel full. (3)

Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are required in modest amounts for normal growth, development, metabolism, and body function.

Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are the main source of energy in the diet and are found in greater abundance in cereals, fruit, legumes and vegetables. In terms of health benefits, whole grains are better than processed ones. In fact, the latter were deprived of the germ and bran during the grinding process. They thus have lower amounts of fiber and micronutrients. (4)

Those who regularly eat whole grains have a reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as a lower risk of death from any cause. (5)

Health and Nutrition

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables provide energy and dietary fiber. These promote the feeling of satiety and have positive effects on gastrointestinal function, cholesterol levels and glycemic control. (6)

Fruits and vegetables are also an excellent source of valuable bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, phytosterols and carotenoids. These are powerful antioxidant compounds whose intake is very beneficial for health. (7)

Fruit and vegetable intake has been shown to be inversely associated with the risk of non-communicable diseases, including hypertension. (8)


Proteins provide energy and amino acids, including those that the human body needs but cannot produce on its own, namely the essential amino acids. Proteins can be of animal or vegetable origin.

Those of vegetable origin are preferable to those of animals. The latter in fact contain saturated fatty acids that have been associated with cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and some types of cancer. Although the mechanisms are unclear, red meat, and particularly processed meat, has been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. (9)

Adequate dietary protein intake is important for maintaining lean body mass throughout the lifespan. In the elderly, protein plays an important role in preventing age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass. (10)

Health and Nutrition


Fats also produce energy and are the primary components of cell membranes. Among the types of dietary fat, unsaturated fats are associated with reduced cardiovascular and mortality risks. Trans fats and, to a lesser extent, saturated fats are associated with negative health impacts, including an increased risk of mortality. (11)


Water is the major component of the body, making up the majority of lean body mass and total body weight. Not only provides hydration, but it also carries micronutrients, including trace elements and electrolytes.

Drinking water can provide up to 20% of the recommended daily intake of calcium and magnesium. (12)


The primary problem of this society, with regards to health and nutrition, is that we eat too much and badly. Overeating leads to overweight and obesity, two factors that put your health at risk as they can be the cause of various chronic diseases. Consider that since 1975, the global obesity rate has even tripled. (13)

Gluttony sins, especially when they become a habit, lead to unpleasant consequences both in our body and in the mind. We should be able to eat the bare essentials that the body needs every day to perform its functions. When we eat out of gluttony and not out of necessity we make a mistake which, based on its size, has a price to pay.

This applies to both desserts and all industrial and excessively processed foods. We in health and nutrition have decided not to include meat among healthy foods as many clinical studies demonstrate its danger to health. (14)

Health and Nutrition

Italian version


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