Soy: Properties and Benefits

Already planted more than 5,000 years ago in China and spread quickly in Japan, soy took millennia to arrive in the West, and in Italy we can say that you know at the mass level for thirty years.
Soy is a legume more digestible than others. In soy we can find very high percentage of protein, so that may well be used as a meat substitute. Even one quick glance at his properties allows us to understand how the legume is a complete food, especially valuable in the diet of someone who has made a choice vegetarian.
Chemical Composition
Beans are made up on average by 40% protein (twice the meat) and about a 20% fat, which unlike the meat, and therefore are unsaturated fats. No other plant food is so rich in proteins, which mostly consist of, among others, all essential amino acids that our body has a need, “direct” because it is able to synthesise its own. Lecithin, being a lipid, has the ability to emulsify fats and can therefore improve brain activity and the activity of neurotransmitters.
Healing Benefits of Soy
It seems that in addition to colon cancer, tgis food is able to counteract the hormone-sensitive tumors. Statistics show that Asian populations like China and Japan, derive enormous benefits from this legume, having a very low cancer impact compared to Western populations.
The case should be looked into the fat-free and animal-based foods rich in soy. With its abundance of fiber, which prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, soy has protective effects on the arteries. Just think that a pound of soy provides 12 g of fiber intake compared with a daily requirement of 25-30 g.
Soy on the Table
There are no contraindications to its use or their many derivatives, is sufficient, as in all things, not to abuse it and not consumed all the meat.
The experts contend that after the feeding weaning could do without the milk and replace it with vegetal milk of this legume, whose properties and benefits are excellent.
In fact compared to cow’s milk, soy beverages do not contain casein, the protein that is allergenic. Have no lactose or milk sugar which many are allergic, they are rich in fiber and cholesterol-free, and good for all ages. Beans, vegetal milk, tofu, are rich in genistein, a protective substance that blocks the signal that stimulates the growth of cancer cells.
Vegetal Milk
It is a food typical of eastern countries, but thanks to its properties and benefits, is rapidly spreading to Italy, especially among advocates of a vegetarian diet. It is obtained from yellow soybeans boiled and squeezed from the standpoint of its nutritional intake of protein,
It is nearly equivalent to cow’s milk, with difference that soymilk contains no cholesterol. Indeed, the presence within it of lecithin facilitates elimination of cholesterol itself. With appropriate treatment is also given to those children who show allergic reactions to cow’s milk traditional.
Regular consumption of soy milk seems to help the body to prevent diseases such as colon cancer, prostate in men and breast in women.
Properties of the Plant
The plant is covered with a thick hair, has erect stems and fickle, elongated leaves and fruit pods are gathered in groups, and contain seeds from the globular shape. The leaves are different from each other. There are two primary leaves, opposite, oval, while all others are clover, with leaves, ovate, more or less elongated. They are up to 15 cm long, they fall a bit before the beans have reached full maturity when the seeds contain about 20% water.
Flowers are very small, delicate, white or purple, raised, and their number varies from 3 to 15, with small axillary sites on all nodes of the stem except the lowest.
In indeterminate varieties flowering begins at the bottom and proceed upwards in an arc of time varies according to the earliness of the cultivation, the length of growing season and the seasonal conditions (3 to 5 weeks). Conversely, in certain varieties, the flowers start blooming tips.
The flowers are formed in number greatly exceeds the number of pulses that result from them: that because many flowers (also 80%) go on to have abortions physiological. Fertilization is almost exclusively self-pollinating.
Once collected from a soy field is not an edible product directly but needs to undergo some transformation before being consumed.
Soy and Cancer
To date, being aware of the many benefits that this legume has in terms of healthier, more people brought into their diet, soy-based foods. The abundance of phytoestrogen hormones called isoflavones, which are very similar in structure, estrogen in the human body, makes sense that adding soy beans in our diet would be to increase levels of estrogen in the body.
The observation that Chinese and Japanese, who are avid consumers of this legume, have the incidence of cancer (breast, colon, prostate) lowest in the world, has led scholars from around the world to focus their efforts groped to understand what were the actual components of soy responsible for health benefits.
In a recent article in the magazine known National Cancer Institute, a laboratory study has revealed a compound called genisten as a probable anticancer agent in the legume. It seems that this substance has a direct influence on the metabolism of cancer cells, in particular by weakening their defense system.
Cancer cells have developed sophisticated software systems to produce protective proteins that give way to resist cancer treatments like chemotherapy. The genisten appears to have properties that enable it to interfere with the production of these protective proteins, thus reducing the ability of cancer cells to survive and multiply. Here’s another good reason to increase the amount of soy in our diet.
Soybean Oil
Soy oil is obtained by extraction from soybeans medians, using chemicals, is used in the preparation of detergents, creams, oils and additives for the bath, as well as for breast implants.
As for food use can be used to flavor foods and the production of margarine. Lately the interest in this product is significantly increased with the discovery that soybeans are a rich source of isoflavones that appear to have a preventive properties against several diseases. For this reason many people are approaching the soy, thanks to its properties and benefits.
Soy: properties and benefits
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